As the Coronavirus continues to challenge us, there are ways to make our lives a little easier. Many of us are working from home and all of us are social distancing. CorCystems has been put to the test to ensure our clients continue to meet the demands of their businesses. One of our very first recommendations for a successful remote workforce was to use Microsoft Teams.
1) Your Microsoft Profile Icon will appear in the top right corner and the color underneath it represents your current status.
2) Click to change your profile picture, sign out, check for updates or change your status all in one place!
3) Or create your own status!
4 ) Now it’s your turn to customize. Give it a shot!
Ready to Get Started?
If your team is working remotely and you’re looking for a better way to be efficient, you can find out more about how helpful this platform is by reviewing our guide on the benefits of the Microsoft Teams. You can also reach out to CorCystems today to learn more about MS Teams or to see how we can help you set up a remote workplace for your team. Give us a call today at (203) 431-1341.