What is the Dark Web and How Can You Keep Your Business Safe?

What is the Dark Web and How Can You Keep Your Business Safe?

The dark web functions and is recognized as the largest black market in the world where individuals can find just about anything they are looking for. 

The major difference and difficulty in accessing content from the Dark Web, as opposed to the regular Web, is that when content is submitted or shared on it, the location of the host is obfuscated. What this means in layman’s terms is: deleted links and sites are difficult to track back because they’re “hidden”, and normal browsers cannot currently visit it without using a web-proxy software such as Tor (the onion router). This occurs because of a translation step between what you’re viewing on your computer screen and what data you can push along to end up at its final destination—meaning if your computer knows where the computer directing traffic cares about is located  and type in that

cybersecurity and cybercriminals

What is the Dark Web?

The dark web, or Darknet, is a massive collection of websites that cannot be accessed by normal means and are not indexed by typical search engines such as Yahoo and Google. Accessing the dark web requires downloading specialized software that gives you access. This specialized software allows the dark web to not be monitored or identified by authorities since all activities on the dark web are almost entirely anonymous. 

How is Your Business at Risk from the Dark Web?

The mistake many business owners make is believing that since they don’t transact a great deal of business, or that they do not process such information at all, that they are not remotely an interesting target of dark web activity. This could not be farther from the truth, however. Even the slightest back end credentials that you provide to other online marketplaces can become compromised and leaked to the dark net ultimately allowing fraud hackers to gain access to information needed to take temporary ownership of banking information and other data. There is no business size or specific activity base that is entirely safe from the dark net.

Ransomware and other types of malicious spyware software are sold via the dark net and often times put unsuspecting computers at risk. Since talented criminals can easily obtain malicious code and spyware on the black market, the once upon a time high technical protocols that used to provide barriers from attacks are now a thing of the past. With that said, it is critical that business owners take steps to protect their computers, networks and customer data from the villains of the dark web. Business owners need to take vigilant steps in being proactive and preparing for when the fraudsters of the dark web and black market may very well find their way to your business doorstep.

Steps to Take to Protect Your Business and Keep it Safe

Sad as it may be, today we hear often that a cyber-attack on a business is not a question of ‘will it happen’ but rather the question is ‘when will it happen?’ This unfortunate scenario is well out of the hands of business owners but preparing for a cyber-attack and knowing exactly how to respond are necessary steps for all business owners to take. With that said, the professionals here at CorCystems want to share some important cybersecurity ‘must-dos’ for every business owner.
  • Start by creating cloud-based data backups and implementing a disaster recovery plan. Often times, with a cyber-attack, the only means of recovery is a full system restore.
  • Training and educating all your employees on security policies and protocols is a critical next step. Since phishing, spams, and social engineering, to name a few, are some of the main tactics used by cyber attackers, it is important that both you and your employees are fully trained on effective security protocols.
  • Upgrade your network-attached storage (NAS) to the latest back-up data recovery systems to defend against ransomware attacks.
  • Today dual-factor authentication and exceedingly complex and strong passwords are essential strategies to put in place and adhere to.
  • It also makes perfect sense to invest in cybersecurity insurance for your business. Should your company fall prey to a cyber-attack, appropriate cyber insurance can certainly help you to recoup the many damages you are apt to incur.
Though these few tips are every bit helpful as they are practical and necessary, the list of steps you can take is ever so much more extensive. However, the important factor here is that engaging in appropriate preparation and response is not only the responsibility of every business owner, but critical to the overall cyber threat protection and safety of your business, your employees, your information, and your customers as well.

Trust our Cyber Experts with the Safety and Protection of Your Business

New cyber threats will continue to present themselves every day, all day, which is why you need to be vigilant, be smart, take steps to be safe, and to ensure proper protection for your business against the fraudsters and criminals who lurk in the deep dark web. Here at CorCystems, we have years of experience providing the highest quality cyber services and training this side of Connecticut and New York. We are on hand to provide you with all the cybersecurity and threat protection you need for your business. From application, cloud and network security, cyber attack frameworks, and end-user education to wireless and mobile device management, web navigation management and disaster recovery, we have got you covered. To learn more about what we can offer your business, please give us a call today at (203) 431-1341.