For the legal industry, time is essential to helping clients. If you have an old IT infrastructure, you can’t keep up with the demands of the necessary security or space needed to store the volumes of legal documents and other sensitive client information you leverage in your cases. And when something goes wrong with your network security or data sharing capabilities and you don’t have an in-house IT team, you’ll often find yourself trying to solve the problem when you really just need an IT expert on your side.
That’s where a managed service provider (MSP) will come into play. Continue reading to find out what an MSP is and the benefits of hiring an MSP for your law firm.
What is an MSP?
A managed service provider (MSP) are IT professionals that help business’ or individuals manage their IT infrastructures and user systems. When it comes to legal services, an MSP can help you meet the changing regulatory compliance requirements and monitor any chances of security breaches to your valuable data.
24/7 Network Monitoring
To avoid security breaches, MSPs can be available 24/7 to help monitor your network and to decrease the chance of a cyberattack. It also includes sophisticated software and hardware to be set up, which is cost-effective for law firms that outsource their IT work to a trusted MSP.
Increased Document Accessibility
As an attorney, you need to have the ability to access your files whenever you need them, whenever you need them. If you’re at court, in a meeting with a client, or anywhere outside the office, with the help of Managed IT, you can have your files available to you through secure, in-cloud storage.
Compliance with Government Regulations
Most of the information you deal with at a law firm is protected by the law. But, having outdated software or hardware can expose your records and client information to hackers. Such as how HIPPA has stringent regulations on protecting client’s medical records and a security breach can result in penalties and fines. It’s vital that your data is safely stored and backed up on your internal network.
Having an MSP running your IT infrastructure means that you have a professional that can help you stay secure from internal and external threats and inform you of the latest information for phishing, CEO fraud, malware or data stealing.
Additional Cybersecurity Measures
The information that law firms are entrusted with need to be secured. Having a breach in your system can hurt your bottom line or your client’s reputation. To prevent this, an MSP will be proactive and prevent viruses and detect other suspicious activity that can infiltrate your firm’s network. Additionally, an MSP will systematize ransomware backups in the case of a malicious external attack.
Securely Running Multiple Locations
For many law firms, multiple locations are a must. By having an MSP running your IT, you can bring uniformity and coordination between your sites. You may even work with other firms that need access to your files or systems, and your MSP can help ensure that you don’t create risks in your network.
Reach Out to an IT Partner That Understands
Here at CorCystems Managed IT Services, we are a trusted managed service provider that has experience helping law firms maintain their IT infrastructures. We understand your systems, your need for layered security solutions and for IT professionals to proactively maintain your applications and networks. Learn more about how CorCystems Managed IT Services can help you by calling our office at (203) 431-1341.